So we went.
And painted, while reciting Dear Will.
Well, not really reciting but after five hours of painting, we dubbed Hamlet as "emo boy", the Tempest as "the one with the running ephebi", and Macbeth "Macvader"
we all love love Shakespeare, and you know, it's natural to tease that which you luv <3
Photos below:

From right to left: Neurovicky, Ludeshka and Yours Truly, She Whose Hair Hides Her

My chair. In the end I took over Macbeth, which became known as Macvader. Yes, I have a stupid sense of humour

Tru Wuv: we also called Macbeth "Yes, Dear". Because, well, you know.
He's a Wife's Boy and his Wife knows it <3

the real leading ladies, "by the pricking of my thumbs, KARMA WILL EAT YOU, MWAHAHAHAHA"
Next week Othello shall join "yes, dear", so I'll be able to proudly say that I've painted the two guys with severe, SEVERE issues involving the opposite gender. In twisted we trust?
I also want to get the photos the girls took of their chairs to shoooow, they were just awesome (but I must wait for them to send them to moi -.- , so for now my chair will have to do *waits*)
estupendo trabajo, espero que esten pronto publicadas las demas sillas.
van a llevar un par de manos de laca arriba de eso no? para protegerlas.
tienen varias manos de exxxtreme barniz para proteger la superficie (por eso las fotos salieron con el flash reflejado >.<)
Ahora hay que ver como sobreviven el año lectivo XD
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